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Best Car Deals: June 2009 - U.S. News Rankings and Reviews
Understanding your Car WarrantyUS Code - Title 15, Chapter 50, Sections 2301-2312 Legally, a vehicle manufacturer cannot void the warranty on a vehicle due to an aftermarket part unless they can prove that the aftermarket part caused or contributed to the failure in the vehicle (per the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act(15 U.S.C. 2302(C)Service advisors that tell customers their warranty is automatically Voided if they add wheels, remote starts, fog lights, etc are IN VIOLATION of Federal LAW. For best results, consider working with customer service-oriented dealerships with a proven history of working with customers. If your vehicle manufacturer fails to honor emission/warranty claims, contact EPA at (202) 260-2080 or If federal warranty protection is denied, contact the FTC at (202) 326-3128 or www.ftc.govYour Rights to Personalize Your VehicleARTICLE ONE: You have the Right to buy high-quality, reliable aftermarket performance and specialty parts, accessories and styling options.ARTICLE TWO: You have the Right to use high-quality aftermarket parts and know that your new car warranty claims will be honored. In fact, your vehicle dealer may not reject a warranty claim simply because an aftermarket product is present. A warranty denial under such circumstances may be proper only if an aftermarket part caused the failure being claimed.ARTICLE THREE: You have the Right to install and use emissions-legal aftermarket performance parts without incurring hassles and onerous procedures during state vehicle emissions inspections.ARTICLE FOUR: You have the Right to actively oppose any proposed (or existing) laws or regulations that will reduce your freedom to use aftermarket automotive parts and service or will curtail your ability to take part in the automotive hobbies of your choice.ARTICLE FIVE: You have the Right to patronize independent retail stores and shops for vehicle parts and service. The U.S. aftermarket offers the world's finest selection of performance and specialty parts, accessories and styling options. These aftermarket products satisfy the most discriminating customers seeking personalized vehicles for today's lifestyle.The foregoing message is brought to you by the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). If you would like our guidelines on what to do if your new car warranty is denied, call SEMA's Fax-on- Demand service, 909/396-0182, ext. 750 and request document #904.This message brought to you by ENORMIS Mobile Specialties Erie, PA.*Attn: Owners of a 99-04 Chevy Impala, Malibu, or Monte Carlo and Pontiac Grand Am, Gran Prix, or Bonneville, and Oldsmobile Alero or Intrigue, and possibly some Buick models. These Vehicles are notorious for Intermittent Starting Conditions, Erratic behaving Gauges in the Cluster, Turn Signals not working, radio lights going out, and Warning lights lighting on the dash. These cars will have these problems WITHOUT and WITH a remote start install. Remote starts DO NOT Cause these problems to occur on these GM cars. If you are having any electrical problems ENORMIS is Eries Electrical system experts and we can solve these problems for you.
February: Best New Car Deals: Consumer Reports Cars Blog
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