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Yahoo! Health: Diseases, Drugs and Medical Information Provides health research, expert advice, healthy recipes, and more.
Health in the Yahoo! Directory Discover sites covering the range of human health, including diseases and conditions, medications, sexual health, fitness, nutrition, reference, and news. Also includes issues specific to women, men, children, and seniors as well as professional resources.
WebMD Provides medical information and services for consumers, physicians, and other health providers.
Mayo Clinic medical information and tools for healthy living ... The Mayo Clinic's health resource web site offers information on diseases and conditions, healthy living, drugs, and self-care. List of governmental sites related to health issues and topics.
Discovery Health Offers health news and in-depth features, show information, and health library.
CNN Health Health section of featuring top health stories, health blogs, articles, and health videos.
World Health Organization Directing and coordinating authority on international health work that strives to bring the highest level of health to all peoples.
Do you wake up in the morning feeling itchy? If you don't want the bed bugs to bite this video is a good place to start! Visit for more videos!
Healthfinder Offers consumer health and human services information.
KidsHealth - the Web's most visited site about children's health Contains interactive articles about children's healthcare, medicine, surgery, and parenting. From the Nemours Foundation.