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Want to control the universe like the Muscles in your body? The secret is to adjust the focus in your eyes from blurry to normal back and forth like a breathing exercise while concentrating on the natural environment like the wind through tall trees or the surface of the ocean. The moment when you adjust the focus in your eyes, you will begin to see a reflex reaction outside of you.GOOD LUCKFour Dimensional thinking is thinking in all directions around you. THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM ANUBIS MOON. CREATOR OF THIS VIDEO.I am planning on making a new and improved video of Secret Images of Google Earth soon and I am going to try to submit the video to a producer in Hollywood. I am looking for people to help in the creation of this new movie that are willing to be SPOTTERS or in other words, people that have found faces or strange phenomina in the earth that cant be explained. All you have to do is send me the location of the face or phenomina to my messages and we will review the discovery to determin if we can use it for the new movie. If we decide to use the discovery and the movie does well with Hollywood, then you will be intitled to a cut from the profit the movie generatesgoogle earth (free)The star and triangle was found near area 51. While it might look like a Star of David, this is a fairly standard layout for a Soviet SA-2 surface-to-air missile site. The radar and fire control equipment would have been in the centre with electrical feeds to the missile launchers in the points of the star. The ancient Myan ruler is real and it is still unknown how he got thereMUSIC IS FROM VAN HELSINGDiscover the hidden images of google earth. (locations)Number 1 is at 06 42 51 N, 42 12 00 ENumber 2 is at 50 00 38 N, 110 06 51 wNumber 3 is at 19 56 56 S, 69 38 02 WNumber 4 is at 37 24 05 N, 116 52 04 WNumber 5 is at 37 37 41 N, 116 50 54 WTHESE ARE REAL PHOTOS FROM THE GOOGLE EARTH SATALITE.Watch part 2 of this video BOOK OF THE DEAD secret images, found in my video Responses. Enjoy the show
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