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TRAFICANT-DETORE-BIDEN-CAFARORICHARD DETORE: NEVER HEARD BY JURYDetore is a patent-holding Top-Secret-cleared test pilot formerly employed by the Cafaro Company of Youngstown, OH (Traficant's district).Detore's life-saving laser landing technology is used on Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and aboard the Presidential helicopter, Marine 1. John J. Cafaro wooed Detore and convinced him that the Cafaro Company could manufacture his technology in Youngstown and bring it to commercial airports worldwide.Detore's obsession with safety begin at age 12, enroute to school ... at the Delaware crash site where Vice-President Biden's wife and infant daughter were killed.Detore subsequently became a volunteer fireman, a test pilot, and a specialist in aerospace safety technologies (landing guidance, bomb-proofing).Detore was appalled to learn that Cafaro had no legitimate company in Virginia. The purpose of Cafaro's unregistered "US Aerospace Group" shell company appeared to be to position his teenage daughter Capri, who postured as company President, to splash cash around Capitol Hill in preparation for her run for Traficant's House seat.Detore's laser landing technology has saved no lives at commercial airports because The Cafaro Company has tied up his patents in Court for a decade.Detore gave whistle-blowing evidence of Cafaro Company tax fraud and Torricelli money-laundering to the Justice Department. But after billionaire J.J. Cafaro conveniently 'remembered' that he had secretly bribed Congressman Traficant with one month's salary ($13,000), the DOJ 1) ignored Detore's evidence, and 2) vaporized Cafaro's 18-24 month jail sentence for previously confessed perjury in a Mob-related case.When Detore steadfastly refused to lie about Traficant -- despite a "month's worth of harassment" by prosecutor Craig Morford and attorney John Nassikas -- he was indicted as the MASTERMIND of a plot to bribe Traficant -- based upon the word of J.J. Cafaro!A year after this July 2002 video, Detore was quickly and unanimously acquitted by a Cleveland jury. He kept his Top Secret clearance, but it cost him $1.2 million in legal fees.CAPRI CAFARO: "SHOPPING MALL HEIRESS"In 2004, Capri Cafaro tried to become the "youngest woman ever elected to Congress" by carpet-bagging into a district where she did not live. She was shellacked by Traficant friend, a former prosecutor, Steve LaTourette. In 2006 Capri spent more of her own $millions but lost the Democratic primary in yet another district outside of her native Youngstown. Despite his felony conviction for perjury, J.J. Cafaro continued to make massive donations to the Democrat party in Ohio, and in 2008 Capri was appointed to the State Senate seat vacated by the new Ohio Attorney General, Marc Dann. Dann's office was plagued with issues of sexual harassment. He subsequently resigned.Rookie Senator Capri Cafaro was then selected as the Democrat Minority Leader! http://www.senate.state.oh.us/senator...Ms. Cafaro has yet to be elected to any public office.Beam me up!You can watch the full testimony that the Traficant jury never heard about break-ins, dog-killing, and death threats at http://www.c-spanarchives.org/library...LEO GLASER -- TRAFICANT JUROR #8One day after Detore's testimony to Congress was broadcast live on C-SPAN, Traficant juror #8, Leo Glaser, recanted his 'guilty' verdict, saying that if he had heard Detore's testimony -- which completely deflated the prosecution's closing argument -- he would have acquitted Traficant. Glaser has since made Traficant a personal "innocence project". He attended Traficant's sentencing, Detore's trial, and Traficant's welcome-home party in Youngstown.Glaser is the father of two deaf Gallaudet students. Judge Leslie Wells pooh-poohed Glaser's alert that Prosecutor Craig Morford was signaling answers to witness Allen Sinclair. However, after the break, Morford's signaling mysteriously stopped and Glaser noted that Sinclair's answers about his evidence-free alleged bribery of Traficant became very tentative.Beam me up, again.HOUSE ETHICSCould House Ethics attorney Paul Lewis have been any more unprepared to interrogate Detore? This Corvette snippet is emblematic of the entire session where the clueless counsel and uninformed Committee questioned Detore. Traficant would later express his contempt for the Committee in a, well, very symbolic way. He also pleaded for an investigation of Detore's allegations of criminal prosecutorial misconduct. Rep. (now Ohio Governor) Ted Strickland called for such an investigation but Congress and DOJ OPR (internal affairs) ignored Strickland.http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,58248,00.htmlBeam me up for a third and final time.
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