Monday, September 29, 2008

A Car DVD, Your Kids And Your Next Trip

A Car DVD, Your Kids And Your Next Trip

If you've had problems with controlling your kids on those long cross-country drives, you'll certainly appreciate the difference that a car DVD can make on your next trip.

A car DVD ensures that your kids have enough entertainment while yourself and your spouse have some quiet. I don't know if you've had the privilege of being a passenger in a vehicle that's equipped with a good DVD system.

Here's what happens...

You simply forget about time as you're immersed in entertainment. The monotony of counting the milestones changes to watching that movie your busy schedule never allowed.

For most of us, it is killing two birds with a stone. I guess if we, adults, like the entertainment that an incar DVD provides plus the boredom it drives away, then children will certainly love it a lot more.

Try it. Install one before your next trip (And get their favorite DVDs) and you'll see a lot of unruliness disappear.

There's certainly a car DVD player that will fit your tastes and purse. Look around online there are great stores that will give you great deals.

However, I must chip in that you must ensure you install it in a position that does not compromise your safety and your passengers'.

This is a personal opinion: Unless your DVD display doubles as a navigation display, don't install it in the dash. I guess it matters a lot to me because I am a very visual person. I can easily get engrossed in a visual event. And, I guess that's not great when you're the driver.

So if you're like me, it is best to have it installed for your passengers (For me, that does not include the front seat passenger). There are laws that forbid certain positions. Check to ensure you're not breaking the law.

If you need my recommendation for a DVD player, check this store: . If you're not in Europe then you'll certainly find my other recommendations

Chimezirim Odimba writes for CarAudioPlus.