Part one of this article series tells you what you should do to fix your bad credit situation. The purpose of this second article is to give you some important tips on how to repair poor credit. These tips seem to be almost too simple, but you'd be surprised to learn how many people don?t know about them and how well they work toward improving your bad credit situation.
1. One matter at a time It is very likely that you have several debts to pay. Don't try to do everything at once! Instead, concentrate on the most dangerous (ie. Those with the highest interest rate) first and spend as much as you can toward paying it off. Continue to pay your other debts too, but only on a minimal level. As soon as you finish paying off this debt, turn your attention to another.
Alternatively, you might want to consolidate your various debts into a single loan, usually with a lower interest rate. A consolidated loan is generally much easier to cope with, but once you consolidate, you can't de-consolidate, so there's no turning back. Oftentimes this may be a good solution, but learn about all the specific details from your loan counselor before you decide to go with a debt consolidation loan.
2. Rely on informal contacts with creditors The official mail you get from your creditors when you suffer from a bad credit situation is often referred to as derogative, ?the hate mail?. However, banks aren't the heartless mafia-like institutions that are interested only in getting money out of you. The ?hate mail? has only one aim ? it should frighten you to do something about your debt and current default payment situation.
Instead of getting stressed by the warnings and reminders you receive, just go to your creditors and tell them openly about your current financial situation. They will often do their best to help you ? they know that unless you get their help and cooperation you won't be able to pay on your account. This will ease the stress of your situation and give you a chance to come to some terms with your creditor. The more personal the contacts are, the better ? calling them is good. Visiting them is even better.
3. Everything passes with time While you may feel as if the whole bad credit trouble will never end, that's not true. The standard procedure (budget planning, paying off existing debts and getting everything back to order) usually takes about two-three years. Creditors will deal with your situation completely, but after it passes you will have problems obtaining credit for a few more years.
You still have some hard times ahead of you - that's true - but it's not the end of the world! Try to ease off the waiting by giving yourself some smaller goals that can be achieved within a few months. This progress will make everything much easier for you to live through. Remember not to give up; you can see your bad credit situation through with some dedication and persistence.
J. Kane is a Webmaster and publisher for For more information on obtaining poor credit loans and bad credit repair please visit